Wednesday 26 September 2012

Support needed for the village hall advice service

Village and community halls play important roles in their community as they provide a facility for social, recreational and cultural activity. An active hall can greatly improve the quality of life for the community. They are run by dedicated groups of volunteers, who have the responsibility for all aspects of management of the building in line with current legislation. ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and the Rural Community Action Network (RCAN) have provided advice, information and support for rural communities managing village halls since the 1930s. As rural communities have changed and developed so has the support service but it is still as vital now, as it was then, in helping to shape the future sustainability of rural villages in England. In the current economic climate grant funding is in decline and there is more legislation and compliance for volunteers to deal with.

The RCAN states that the vital service it provides to support volunteers and the 10,000 village halls across England is at risk due to cuts in funding.

What can you do?

Write to your local Member of Parliament and express your concerns

Let your Local Authority know the value of your hall to your community and ask them if they are investing in the local Rural Community Action Network to support volunteers manage halls if not, why not?

Join your local Rural Community Action Network member organisation and use their services. They will understand your needs and the local area surrounding your hall.