The impact on our native plants
and animals, such as water vole, can be devastating.
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, in
partnership with Dorset and Hampshire Wildlife Trusts, tackle the fight against
invasive species with the Source to Sea project. Funded by the Environment Agency, the team
works with volunteers along the river Avon and its tributaries to eradicate
these destructive species so that the wildlife that lives along our waterways
can thrive.
This spring, the team will be
coming to your area. Headed by project manager, Sam Stork, the team will work
with local landowners, farmers, angling clubs and other interested parties to
identify affected areas and, with the help of an army of volunteers, they will
help to ensure that your part of the river is protected.
And that’s where you come in -
Source to Sea needs your help:
Can you help identify areas where
invasive species are threatening local wildlife? To find out what to look for
visit www.wiltshirewildlife.org
and click on What We Do – Protecting
Wiltshire’s Rivers. Report your sightings using the feedback form.
Can you volunteer your time to
help clean up the river? Tackling
invasive species along our rivers is a massive task and we need your help! We
provide everything you need to participate in a volunteer day on the river.
Find out more by attending our
Annual Event on the 13th February in Salisbury Guildhall. Contact us
by email at sourcetosea@wiltshirewildlife.org
or telephone on 01380 736066 or contact the team on Twitter @wiltsrivers.